


Wearable devices for cyclist - Research


The first observations were about the general behavior of the riders.

Thanks to the preliminary analysis we were able to understand clearly the way they put their foot with their actions and use of their figures on the bike.

After this I started to make more detailed observations related to the use of wearable devices.


Design Process



Making it interact with arduino (Wearable technology for hands and legs.)
Application B-Light

The wireframe will be characterized by a minimal layout and color palette which has three main colors : Black, whitw and gradient chosen for the logo.

The application will have three main functionalities:

Identify the physical shops where the user can buy the wearable.

Option “Freepath” thanks to this, the user will be able to create/or apply for an event(public or private) and take part of a ride with other people. Thought this all the devices registered for one event will be synchronized during the ride.

Option “Present path” with this the user will choose to do a present path to discover a certain itinerary in a city (for example choose the historical or artistic path). With this functionality the user will be able to discover new places and take a free tour.

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